Create #pragma statements from .FD files

 fdtopragma source/ [-o dest]

 This program generates header files containing #pragma libcall lines
 for use with inline library calls.  #pragma is an ANSI C mechanism to
 allow compiler extensions.  #pragma libcall is an Amiga standard for
 describing shared library entries, allowing the compiler to generate
 calls directly, rather than requiring linking in cumbersome interface
 functions.  .FD files are a standard format file that describe the
 function names and offsets of shared runtime libraries. See section
 for a description of the format.

 The source may be specified as a single file, or as a directory (with
 trailing /).  Under DICE, these header files are stored in
 DINCLUDE:CLIB/ and mimic the Commodore standard headers in
 DINCLUDE:AMIGA20/CLIB/.  The purpose of the mimicry is to have a
 single standard for specification of prototypes, the Commodore

 #include <clib/exec_protos.h>

 If no pragma header exists, the Commodore standard header will be
 included. If a pragma header does exist, it will be included.  Rhe
 pragma header file explicitly #include's the original Commodore
 header file and then conditionally generate the #pragma lines based
 on whether you specified the -mi option to DCC.  The -mi option to
 DCC simply defines the preprocessor symbol __DICE_INLINE which causes
 the #pragma lines to be conditionally included.  It is important to
 note that great pains have been taken to allow you to turn on and off
 inline library calls for your program without having to modify the
 source in any way, shape, or form.

 .fd files are formatted very simply. For the Commodore libraries,
 these files are stored in dinclude:amigaxx/fd/".  Comments start with
 "*", commands start with "##", and everything else is assumed to be a
 function entry. The commands are:

 Command : Usage :        :
     :   : base       : Base pointer name for this library
     :   : _DOSBase   : (DOSBase)
     :   : bias 30    : New negative function offset
     :   :            : (Negative 30)
     :   : public     : Until next
     :   : private    : Until next
     :   : end        : End marker

 The following function entry defines four parameters, which must be
 passed in registers A0,D0,A1 and D1 respectively.  A "/" separator is
 a hint to some programs that registers are in proper order to move
 from the stack with a single 68000 "MOVEM" instruction:


 Library functions exist as negative offsets from the library base;
 ##bias sets a new negative offset.  Each function entry decrements
 the offset by six.